Monday, June 22, 2015

Father's Day 2015

We had a fabulous, low key day all about Michael yesterday.  We spent Saturday seeing the grandfathers so that yesterday could be a day just for the 3 of us. I loved making sure he had his own special day!

When we got married I had an idea in my mind of how I wanted our family to be and what kind of a dad I wanted him to be. It is an understatement to say he has far exceeded my expectations!  

From the moment he first held Nicholas to spending all day on his special day just throwing him across the pool and doing whatever the 5 year old wanted, Nicholas is his focus. He told me yesterday that being a dad is the most important role he has and I think he puts 100% in all the time.  

However, it's the other times in our lives that have made such an impact on me.  It's the times no one can see but me: helping with homework, giving Nicholas a bath or brushing his teeth when he is crying because he doesn't want to do it and Michael stays calm (unlike me), or reading a book at bedtime when they are both tired and I know Michael would rather be on the couch watching TV. Those are the moments that really matter and those are the moments I'll always be thankful for. 

Michael, I want you to know that we love and appreciate all you do to make our family function. I couldn't do it without you. You are our rock, our strength, and our best friend. We love you more than I could ever express and can't wait to see you with our new little girl! I've been blessed beyond measure to be your wife and share in the role of parenting our children with you. There is no one I would rather share this crazy journey with!