I've received several tweets asking if we are ok and why haven't I been blogging. Honestly, it just hasn't been in my heart to blog. A month ago I realized how fortunate and blessed my family is. A tornado destroyed everything 1/2 miles from our house and we came out of it completely fine. I reevaluated my priorities and decided to take a break from blogging and spend more time with my little man. It did a lot of good for me to just take a few weeks to get my mind straight. I've also been struggling with being a working mom and all the stress that goes along with that. I think having a 4 day weekend has definitely helped that this weekend! This weekend I have almost decided to shut down my blog, but decided I wouldn't do that. I love being able to keep up with all of Nicholas' milestones and I love all of my new blog friends. So, I'm back! Hopefully I'll do better keeping up this time!
Nicholas has decided he WILL NOT eat anything unless he can finger feed himself. That suddenly meant no babyfood. One day at school he tried a muffin and then another day pancakes. So far, no signs of having any trouble with the milk or soy in anything! We are still not introducing cheese, milk, or eggs until we've seen his GI dr in a couple of weeks.
Eating roast, mashed potatoes, and green beans for the first time
Eating strawberry muffin for the first time

Nicholas has also decided that he needs to brush his teeth himself now. By the way, he now has FOUR teeth! He got his top two teeth on May 13!
Two weeks ago, Nicholas spent the night with his Gigi and Grandpa and we went to the best wedding ever! We saw one of Michael's best friends, Dan marry Amber and then went to the reception at the Hunter Art Museum (one of my fav places in Chattanooga). The reception was fabulous. Fly By Radio was there playing and it was a great party! We look forward to seeing the new Mr. and Mrs. Norton soon! Here is a picture of us. It is a terrible quality, but I am proud of the fact that I have now lost 50 pounds and wore a dress that I haven't worn in 4 yrs and it looks better now than ever!!!
We took Nicholas to the community pool last Sunday and it was his first time to get in the water. Last summer he was just too young, so he watched from his bouncy. This year he loves it! He likes to splash and play with his neighborhood friends from his little float.
He also discovered the goodness of a lime slush from Sonic that day! He is now hooked! If he sees a Sonic cup he immediately wants to drink out the straw now! Haha!
I've been working hard on getting everything done for the BIG first birthday coming up at our house! It is a safari animal theme with turquoise, lime green, and bright orange decorations. I'm really excited to see it all together. There will be pictures of decorations coming soon, but for now, here is how my photo shoot to get a picture for his invitation went...
I did get a couple good ones, but it took three days! Haha!
The other big news in our house is that Michael is out of the auto business completely now!!! His last job (which was NOT a family dealership, it just had the same name we do, but not family) was just too far from home and with the long hours, it was too hard. He now works Monday-Friday, 8:30-5!!!! Perfect for us! It is exactly what he wants to be doing and I think he will do great at it!
I'm going to attempt to blog again tonight about our long weekend! Hopefully I can keep my promise. We were pretty busy and I want to remember his first Memorial Day weekend.