Every once in a while you have to have some random thoughts I guess. Well, today's post is random.
Since last Friday I have been craving Italian and specifically Olive Garden salad. It couldn't be just any salad, it had to have crisp iceburg lettuce, olives, and red onions. I've been getting by this week with a salad from the salad bar at Erlanger. Not quite the same thing, but good enough. Yesterday while I was eating my not so Olive Garden salad, Michael called to tell me he had a surprise for me. I briefly thought maybe he was bringing me an OG salad since it was his day off, but no that wasn't it and he told me he'd have it for me when I got home. I got home and it was TWO bottles of OG salad dressing!!!!!!! I thought I had died and gone to Heaven when I ate lunch today! YUM! Michael currently has MEGA bonus points! Ha!
Next thought of the day...
I don't know how many of you like E! trash as much as I do, but I love Bill and Giuliana. Their dynamic is very similar to Michael and I (although their lifestyle is WAY beyond ours!) and this week I loved it even more. They went to a OBGYN to be worked up for IF. I have never seen this done on a reality show (that I can remember right now) and I was so happy to see it. I'm tired of the Kourtney Kardashians and Kendras that just wake up pregnant on their show one day and have easy deliveries (not that Kendra's was, but you get the point). I was so happy to see a reality couple deal with the struggle to get pregnant in front of the cameras and not act like everyone just decides to get pregnant and brings a baby home in 9 months. It does not always work out that way, trust me. Thank you B&G for showing America that even celebrities have problems getting pregnant!

Ok, stepping off my soapbox now. I am going to put on my pjs and have some pizza while watching AI. My hip is acting up again and I was up about half the night with it. I am in no means complaining and I thank God the entire time I'm awake for the fact that Baby must be growing. I hope to have a belly pic today, but if not, I'll post one tomorrow. Yay for 14 weeks!!!!!!
I love Bill & Giuliana! I just wish I would catch it when it was on! I knew there was one episode where they mentioned that they were having a hard time getting pregnant. It is nice to see that on TV with people who have the lifestyle that they do struggle!
I love B&G as well. I like all E trash. we have them all DVRed. I have no idea what they are talking about with the infertility, but its very eye opening that some couples have a hard time getting pregnant and all that goes with it.
Yea! for 14 weeks and Yea! for Michael bringing you Olive Garden salad dressing!
Glad you're doing well. i'm glad that your hubby filled your desires with the salad dressing. My hubby (who's amazing) never gave in to the few cravings that I have until well it was too late (meaning I was going to the hospital to have a baby too late). :)
On B&G...i don't get Style...but I see them on twitter and read up...they seem like a neat couple. But I'm confused because I thought that they were just deciding if they wanted to ttc and yet they were already getting an IF work up..for most people under 35 you have to ttc for over a year before getting much of any kind of IF work up. But it is so nice to see "real"couples with ttc. It's not as easy as 1-2-3 for so many people.
aw man, I wish I had the style channel so I could watch it!
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