How far along? 14 weeks
How big is Baby? 3 1/2 inches and the size of a lemon
Total weight gain/loss: 4 pounds (I still haven't really gained any weight, which makes me a little nervous)
Maternity clothes? very comfy and need more! I may or may not have popped my scrub pants during a very crazy office yesterday!
Stretch marks? No, let's pray it stays that way!
Sleep: My compressed nerve is back at it. It chose to keep me awake for about 3 hours last night. Plus I had a bad cold/flu last week and got very little sleep.
Best moment this week: Being 100% into the 2nd trimester!!!!
Movement: I'm wondering if I didn't feel some slight flutters last night while I was lying awake.
Food cravings: Italian, and more specifically Olive Garden salad.
Gender: Will find out in 3-4 weeks! EEEEEEK! Anyone have any ideas, I would love to hear them and don't forget to vote at the top!
Labor Signs: none, thank goodness!
Belly Button in or out? In and I pray it stays that way. Ha!
What I am looking forward to: starting to really think about the nursery!!!
Milestones: being in the second trimester!!!!!
Total weight gain/loss: 4 pounds (I still haven't really gained any weight, which makes me a little nervous)
Maternity clothes? very comfy and need more! I may or may not have popped my scrub pants during a very crazy office yesterday!
Stretch marks? No, let's pray it stays that way!
Sleep: My compressed nerve is back at it. It chose to keep me awake for about 3 hours last night. Plus I had a bad cold/flu last week and got very little sleep.
Best moment this week: Being 100% into the 2nd trimester!!!!
Movement: I'm wondering if I didn't feel some slight flutters last night while I was lying awake.
Food cravings: Italian, and more specifically Olive Garden salad.
Gender: Will find out in 3-4 weeks! EEEEEEK! Anyone have any ideas, I would love to hear them and don't forget to vote at the top!
Labor Signs: none, thank goodness!
Belly Button in or out? In and I pray it stays that way. Ha!
What I am looking forward to: starting to really think about the nursery!!!
Milestones: being in the second trimester!!!!!
I don't think that I have really started showing THAT much, just a little, but apparently everyone I come in contact does. Has everyone noticed that your abdomen becomes public property when you are pregnant, because over the past couple of days, mine sure has! I'm weird about personal space and not even a big hugger, so it has totally blown my mind when people touch my abdomen. It just caught me off guard and I just wondered if that happens to everyone, I'm thinking so!
Hey! Don't worry about the weight gain - I was just like you. And the first flutter I felt was at 15 weeks but I didn't really know what it was until later on. You look GREAT!
I didn't gain a lot of weight in the beginning and was told to bulk up actually. That's just funny to me. It all packed on in the last trimester though, with no effort. Kinda weird. I drank a little diet coke before our gender ultrasound. It did wonders. Can't wait to see you Monday night at Olive Garden!
I just craved ALL FOOD when i was pregnant. i cant believe you are already 14 weeks
I don't look at many new blogs these days, but I saw your link from Kelly's Korner. My name is Kelly, too. I just have enjoyed reading about your pregnancy thus far, and I wanted to tell you that I was one of the people praying for all you momma's who despirately want to be momma's. I'm so happy for you. And, when I was pregnant last year, I didn't have a lot of specific cravings, but once I got an idea in my head of what i wanted to eat, nothing else would do, like your salad from OG! Too funny! I'll be praying for a healthy pregnancy and baby for you, and I'll check in on you now and then.
You're so cute!
You will be feeling that baby soon for sure. I can not believe that you are already 14 weeks... wow time is going by fast. Cant wait to find out what it is!!!
You look great. A little baby belly...only because I've been pg and knows what one looks like.
I know it's easier said than done...but don't worry about the lack of weight gain in the 1st trimester. So many women put on extra weight during the first/early second trimester which is typically not necessary weight gain. They (doctors) really like to see more growth at late middle/end of pregnancy and it's weight that is easier to take off as well. But of course, always voice concerns to your doctor/mid wife and they will have great advice/help.
When I was pregnant I was so worried about people wanting to touch my belly but I was VERY happy to find out that nobody ever touched me. I'm also weird about personal space and I wasn't looking forward to my belly being public property.
Yay for being in the 2nd trimester! And cute belly bump! Isn't it weird when people start noticing and wanting to touch your belly? usually I don't mind, but sometimes I just want to tell them to keep their hands to themselves!
You are looking fabulous!! :)
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