UPDATE: I want to thank you all for the sweet comments today. All of my life I have had friends put in my life by God that seemed perfect for me at that time. Now, God has put each and every one of you in my life for the reason that you are all so caring and encouraging. Those of you who are also waiting on a child, we can do this together. When I feel alone and like no one understands, I know that I can always go to my blog list and find someone who does. I have absolute FAITH that one day we will all be praises on the prayer blog together!
I realized that with the holidays and everything going on in our lives lately, I have neglected (AGAIN) to do Thankful Thursdays and Wonderful Wednesdays! Oops! Well, here we go again!
I have not posted about our latest news because Michael and I were waiting to tell anyone, but five days before Christmas we got a wonderful Christmas surprise that we were pregnant! Everything seemed to be going great, my beta level was rising fast and higher than normal, I was tired and sick and feeling completely pregnant. Last Wednesday we had our first appointment and our new wonderful dr could only find a sac, no baby. AGAIN, just like before. I was devastated and spent a lot of the last week questioning why. He wanted to see my back in 10 days for a repeat scan, but I was not going to wait that long again, so he compromised with Monday with labs. If the u/s had not changed and the lab work was where it needed to be, then we would move on with a D&C or a medication that would work as a D&C at home. Monday showed us what we needed to know and I elected to take the medication yesterday morning. It seemed to work, but not as much as it is supposed to (according to all of my research and knowledge of the drug from nursing school), so I just spoke with him and I am to stay home again today and if nothing else has happened by tomorrow morning, come back in for another u/s to make sure everything is gone. Now, I am sure you are asking why in the world would I post this on Thankful Thursday???? Well, it is because I am very Thankful for my fabulous, wonderful OB that I love more everytime I talk to him, I am Thankful that yes, I can get pregnant, although there is something going on that keeps my eggs from developing into healthy babies. The reason why my OB is so fabulously wonderful is because he has promised me, everytime I've been in the office and on the phone that he WILL find out what is going on and do his very best to fix it. The next step for me is to undergo some testing of my anatomy. For those of you who remember from my gallbladder surgery, I have a rare condition that places my abdominal organs on opposite sides of where they are supposed to be. This can also effect your uterus by causing a uterine septum. This can be easily repaired, but we just have to find out if that is the problem. We will also undergo a lot of lab work.
So, anyway, please pray today that this process is done and that I will not need a D&C. If I have to have one that is just more scar tissue and trauma to my uterus that will make having a baby more difficult. Especially if I do have a uterine abnormality. Please pray for my OB that he will make the right decisions and be able to diagnose what is going on with us. And also, please pray for us that we continue to have strength and see this is just another obstacle that will lead to a healthy baby soon.
I'm constantly praying for you!!! I do hope you won't need the D&C and I have faith that your new Ob will find the cause of this. You will feel so much better knowing. GL and take it easy!
I'm thankful for the wisdom and kindness of your doctor and I am praying that he finds the correct things to fix you. I know he will and I KNOW you will have a baby. I'm praying for you Amanda!!!
Oh, I'm so sorry Amanda. I will be praying that you will find the answers you need and that God will give you continued peace during the waiting. Praying for you!
I am thankful that you're in such good spirits and that you're feeling ok.
Your doctor sounds awesome, which is definitely something to be thankful for!
I have thought about you a lot this week because I remembered you had an appointment. I cannot imagine how this feels, but I am so encouraged to hear about your OB! I am so proud of you and the way you are handling it! You are going to make a wonderful mom very soon!! Praying for you!
I'm so sorry you are having to go through all this! You are, as always, in my prayers!
Oh Amanda...I am so sorry! I had crazy emotions when I read your post...I was so THRILLED to hear your news, to be let down by the announcement of no baby. I can't imagine what you must be feeling. But I felt a peace after I finished your post...you do have so much to be thankful for. One day the Lord will present you with a beautiful baby.
I will pray for you! You asked: Emily saw a very scary Halloween guy at Western Sizzlin. It scared us too!
Amanda. this is Jenn Hand. I found your blog through facebook. I want you to know that I will be praying for you and your husband. It sounds as if you guys have been through alot! I will be praying for miracles.
Jenn Hand
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