I've been thinking a lot about my New Years resolutions and along with the usual; eat better, lose 10 pounds, etc, I'm going to spend more time enjoying the small things in life. I realized during the busy Christmas rush that I don't take enough time to really enjoy everything going on. I spend too much time on social media, I spend too much time worrying about keeping my house picked up, and being frustrated because there is never enough time in my life to do what I want to do, only what I "have" to do.
I'm really struggling with the thought that Nicholas is almost no longer a toddler, but a preschooler. He is almost 2 and a half and that makes me sad. I can't believe how fast time is going. I have started to think about his 3rd birthday and wonder where the past 2 and a half years have gone. I feel like I miss so much by being at work 40+ hours a week and we have made a very conscious decision when he was born that we wanted to be with him as much as possible. I try not to schedule anything on the weekends that would take us away from him. I am so thankful that we have made that decision, but I want to be more conscious to be not only physically present, but present in every sense. Our family time is very limited and very precious to us.
I look forward to the next year and how much Nicholas will grow and change in that time. In just the past 6 months he is a different child than the one that turned 2. He has an extensive vocabulary, is almost potty trained at school (we are struggling at home because at school it is almost a peer pressure thing), and he has gotten so good about helping with chores and being independent. I love watching his sweet personality grow. It is such a gift to see it develop a little more every day.
I plan to make some changes to my life in the next year. I plan to do better at blogging to keep up with his growth and to not miss any milestones so it will be recorded somewhere. I plan to cut back on my twitter and FB. I want to spend more time with Nicholas and less time on my phone keeping up with friends. This time with him is precious and I want to get back to focusing more on him, my devotionals, and more time with Michael. I don't want to look back one day and wish I had spent more time enjoying the small things in life, not just the major moments. God has blessed me with an amazing life and I want to enjoy it to the fullest!