Monday, May 3, 2010

30 Week Appointment!

I had my first of my every two week appointments today and everything was great! I actually weighed a little less than I thought and had actually lost a pound or two from the visit before. I'm just not that hungry most of the time now. Is that weird? My OB wasn't concerned and said Nicholas looked great. He is head down and his heart rate was 136. He is still measuring long and probably about an inch longer than average! My blood pressure was 116/60 which is lower than I thought it would be with the swelling I've had lately.

I talked to him about the intense (almost unbearable at times) hip and pelvic pain I've been having. As you know, I've had it on and off since 12 weeks, but the past week or so it has been terrible. He thinks it has to do with Nicholas being head down and probably a case of pubic symphysis dysfunction. It is where the ligaments and cartilage in the pelvis separate a little more than normal and the pelvis is somewhat misaligned. It should go away shortly after he is born. I HOPE! Yoga was intended to help, but several exercises just made it worse. Physical therapy can also help, but not anymore than just tylenol, heat, and cold.

I go back on May 17 for my 32 week appt and at that time I will start going weekly. He wants to monitor my factor V leiden and the risks that come into play closer to term. I am also supposed to let them know if I notice any changes in his movement. Was anyone ever told a certain amount of movement/a day? He just told me to let him know if there was a noticeable change in frequency.

On another note, we ordered my mommy mobile today from the dealer auction! We ordered a white Nissan Pathfinder. I can't wait to see it when it gets here next week! I think it will be a great mommy mobile!