This week on Kelly's Show Us Your Life, she is featuring baby products that new mom's swear by and those that they do not recommend. Well, as you know, I don't actually have any experience with any, but I do have a wish list. Here are somethings that I think I want based on what I've been told by friends and just liked the patterns when spending hours upon hours dreaming on or! Ha!
I know I want a travel system, but none that I have seen online are exactly what I want, but I did find this matching stroller and car seat. The other good thing is that it could be purchased separately, so hopefully I would get at least one piece as a gift.

I LOVE this swing, pack n play, and high chair pattern. I just saw it last week at Target and it matched my living room/kitchen perfectly! It is exactly what I've been looking for, so much I am tempted to as for pieces of it for Christmas! (how is that for hope!) Ha!

The pack n play will be the babies bed in our room for the first 3 months or so.

I plan to keep the high chair at our bar which is between the kitchen and living room, so this is PERFECT!

I will have to go back to work at 12 weeks, so I know I will need a good quality breast pump. (I hope to breast feed for 9-12 months) The medela is the one EVERYONE I have talked to have recommended.

I always thought that I wanted Avent bottles, but recently a lot of my friends have used Dr. Brown's and really seem to like them. What do you think?

The next two items are based on having a girl...hey, again, I have big hopes! I think this tub with a sling and a shower is too cool!

I know that most babies spend a lot of time in a bouncy seat and I loved the colors and design on this one. Isn't it cute!

Ok, now, give me your opinions on the products I've chosen. Are they good products, do you recommend another brand? Help me out!
You did awesome! And we use Dr. Browns bottles. I totally think they are the best. TJ Maxx sometimes will have them in sets for sooooo much cheaper than at Babies R Us. They don't leak :) Cute cute cute...see you tomorrow, woo hoo!
I read your blog all the time but have never commented until now. I have both Avent and Dr. Brown's. I don't like the Dr. Brown's simply because they come with too many "pieces" and they aren't fun to clean. They do however help with the gas/fussiness a baby can get from a bottle. The Avent ones seem to leak after a while too. I have 4 kids so I'm kind of a pro at all this! Love your choices!!! Don't forget your Boppy Pillow too! :) Good luck and I pray God will bless you with a baby soon!!!
I LOVE your choices, and I sure hope they are all good because I just received the stroller and carseat at my baby shower this past weekend! I also decided to go with Dr Brown's bottles and received some of them. The pack-n-play I received also matches the stoller and carseat, but what is funny is that I chose those colors because it matches my living room too! So funny! I also got the tub you received....I guess great minds think alike! :)
I think your choices are great, except Dr. Brown's. I had a friend who used them and said they were HORRIBLE to clean because of the tube down the middle. I'm going with the Medela bottles since they should work really well with the pump. Hopefully baby likey. haha
Aw, I'm glad I'm not the only one who "window shops" on Babies R LOL....I love the green and brown stuff. It will match perfectly! I have been thinking a lot lately about going ahead and starting on cleaning out my spare room and setting up what I've already got. Maybe I'll do MY closet too while I'm at it. :)
You did wonderful but don't forget the boppy. I didn't get to breast feed but it is still really useful.
Also, have big hopes. We went on a trip to Eureka Springs in October not really trying to get pregnant but I always knew my babies room would be in Noah's Ark if it was a boy. I found a wall quilt with Noah's Ark on it and I fell in love! My husband saw how much I wanted it and bought it for me. Long story short that following October I gave birth to a very handsome baby boy.
Praying for you!
Great choices... I have a 4 month old. See if you can rent a breatpump from the hospital for a month. We did this and it worked great. That way you don't buy or recieve a breastpump and then not be able to breastfeed. I have Crohn's disease and had to stop after 3 months due to meds. Defintely buy Medela. It is fabulous. Praying for you!
Am still praying for you to have that sweet baby very very soon. I hope you're feeling better and more like yourself.
Hey! I noticed you didn't have one on your list, but we have an ergo baby carrier and I swear to you I could not live without it. It has an infant insert too and is well worth the price (around $100). google it, they come with embroidery too!
Also, we love love loved our medela pump...but absolutely hated the Dr. brown's bottles. We (Landon) prefers the glass evenflo bottles, and I love them too.
We have the Fisher Price rainforest swing, and I couldn't get Landon out of the thing. We loved it because he would fall asleep in it, and it would soothe him when sometimes nothing else would work.
Hope these suggestions help you out.
Good choice. One bit of advice on the swing. Try to find one that can plug in and take batteries. If the baby really likes the swing, it is really stressful when the batteries die and there are no back-ups in the house! We know this from experience. We are registered for a different swing this go round. They make these swing/bouncy seat combo/ 2in1 deals that are nice. Natalie has one and she loves it. as far a bottles, you never know what is going to work best for you or your baby until the baby is here. I suggest getting a couple of each and when the time comes see what works best.
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