Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mission Make An Egg Day 4-9 (CD 8-13)

I'm sorry I've neglected my clomid diary, but it has been a CRAZY few days at work and at home.

Thursday, August 13, Clomid Day 4 (CD 8)
Went for US this morning. One large follicle on the L that measured about 12mm and one on the right that measured about 10mm. Dr. said that yes, there is a potential for multiples with follicles that large that early. GREAT! (please, hear the sarcasm!) Pain continues, but seems to lessen by evening. Hot flashes continue, but worse during the evening and night.

Friday, August 14, Clomid Day 5 (CD 9)
Abdomen and pelvis feeling a little better today other than diarrhea (again, it's my blog, there will be TMI, deal with it). Felt hot and flushed most of morning. Received my FSH and Estradol results today: FSH 5.5, Estradol 46.3. Nurse said those were excellent (again, great, probably another sign pointing to MULTIPLES! AHHHHHH!)

I noticed that I got a LOT more edgier and moody around CD 12, Monday. Little things at work and even at home seemed to set me off. I also started having the severe abdominal pain again. Started digital OPKs on CD 12, but still negative as of Tuesday night, CD 13. I really don't expect them to turn + until CD 14-15 from what I'm reading, which is great since I don't want to ovulate until after my follicle study on CD 15 (Thursday).

Well, enough about that! I am having quite the week at work. It just seems extremely busy and hectic. I am not really sure what color the top of my desk is, I just see a stack of charts and another stack of faxes, orders, and lab results! Hopefully by the time I leave on Friday I'll see my desk again! :-)


Jenna said...

Still keeping you in my prayers! And I hope you can get that desk sorted out!

Anna said...

YAY for multiple follies!!!! ;)

Jenn said...

Well, I dont know anything about the first half, but I can say that I hope you dont get a + until after your follicle study. Also, you will see your desk soon and until then just take it paper by paper, chart by chart. I hope your week slows down :) Emma Kate blows you a big kiss!

Lianna Knight said...

I TOTALLY understand....I'm not having any pains, but I do feel "something" going on in there :) I am also having hot flashes like CRAZY!!! And yes, I'm a bit testy with EVERYONE...my hubby, my friends, my co-workers. It's not a pretty sight, but we've gotta do what we've gotta do :)

Lauren said...

Praying for your journey and that you'll see the color of your desk once again, haha!! :)

Jamie said...

Hi Amanda,

I found your blog from Kelly's Korner. I just wanted to let you know that I am praying this works for you. We were blessed with one child and have been TTC a second child but I have been diagnosed with PCOS and no such luck. Again praying for you!