Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Wonderful Wednesday

For those of you who were reading my other blog, I decided to do theme days. In light of all that has happened, I decided to bring it back with Wonderful Wednesday!

Here are the wonderful things that make me HAPPY!

My dogs! Yes, I have two now. I have had my beagle for 5 years, but he has always lived with my parents. Now they are both together...interesting, let me tell you!
My Christmas Card! I could not be any happier with the way it turned out!!!!

Carmel Salted Hot Chocolate from Starbucks! It is WAY cheaper than therapy!

This book: it is about a girl that has had a miscarriage and was told she wouldn't be able to have a baby with out IVF, but also lost her mother to ovarian cancer and must deal all that at Christmas. It is a great story! I got it at Lifeway and recommend it to everyone!

And last, but not least, the love and support of my friends and family. Especially those of you out there in blogville! It amazes me how much those whom you do not know care about you! I am so very thankful and blessed to have you all as my friends!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Hey girl. I am just catching up on the blog.. I just got done reading all your postings. I still cant believe your house. Wow. Im always hear to listen if you need me. Glad you got to see our nephew. He is the cutest!!!