He also ate two large pieces of pizza! I think it's safe to say he does love pizza!
Saturday we had a work day at home. I did my grocery shopping, laundry, and some meal prep. Y'all, seriously, my weekends are anything but glamorous these days! Haha! Nicholas has gotten to the point where he is happy and content just playing in his playroom while I get things done around the house and I'm so grateful for that.
Saturday night I had dinner with a few blog/twitter/Instagram friends. These girls are great and anytime I consider deleting social media I always remember that I've made several great friendships that way. Sadly, we failed social media and forgot to take pictures. :-(
Yesterday we took Nicholas to my parents and had a day date! THIS never happens...girls night then a day date all in a 24 hour time frame! We went with some friends to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch my man Peyton win!
Nicholas had a fun time and enjoyed being with his Gigi and Pawpaw for te first time since Christmas and we enjoyed having a day out just to ourselves. My next post in my mom series is balancing relationships and monthly dates are part of what we are doing to make sure we keep our marriage a priority.