Today we spent the day celebrating our RISEN savior! It was a cool, rainy morning so I ended up buying a pants suit this year instead of a dress for me. I freeze in church in the Summer, so I knew I would be too cold in a dress this morning. We coordinated in our yellow and off to church we went! We usually go to early church and on Easter, early church starts even earlier, so there wasn't much time for pictures. I did manage to get this one of my boys as we got out of the car. I LOVE their coordinating Easter outfits!
We had an awesome Easter service. The Lord was definitely present there this morning! We do the Easter bunny, but we do not make any emphasis on the bunny or what he brings, but that the day is about Jesus. To keep the priority that way, the Easter bunny doesn't visit our house until we have left for church (I know this will have to change when he gets a little older and the kids start talking about it). When Nicholas came home he found his basket and a few fun goodies!
The bunny brought Nicholas a book, Jake tervis, a Pixar CD, a puzzle, and little bit of candy.Here is my sweet boy and I in our matching Easter clothes. He couldn't wait to read his new Easter book!
As soon as we had time to go through the basket my family was here for lunch. We all go to the same church, so everyone came over for lunch. I used my Nana's dishes and glasses and I loved how Springy it looked! Even if it was 59 degrees and rainy!

My mom and I cooked a ham, green beans, strawberry salad, pineapple casserole, twice baked potatoes, deviled eggs, carrots, and I made a carrot cake. It was super good! I forgot to take a picture before we ate, so no buffet pictures this time! A certain toddler I know was worn out! Sunday school wears him out on a day that there is nothing else going on, but today was super hard on him. He is in bed already and it's only slightly after 6:30!
I hope everyone had a great Easter and remembered the real reason for the day. It isn't all about Easter bunny, eggs, or candy, but about the fact we serve a LIVING SAVIOR!