We have a small, but nice zoo in Chattanooga that we have been to a couple of times, but lately Nicholas has become OBSESSED with animals and animal sounds. For his birthday my parents gave him a membership to the zoo and we took him for the first time last weekend. HE LOVED IT!
As soon as he would see one of his favorites he would point and yell what they are and what sound they make. Here he is saying "MONKEY! EEEEEEE!"
When we saw the jaguars he kept whispering "meow". I just busted out laughing. Not quite buddy!
The "pirate birds". We are also obsessed with pirates these days.
I didn't know for sure what he would think about the petting zoo, but he liked the animals, but we had to make him touch them. He wasn't so sure about that!
Nicholas loved the zoo and has talked about the animals all week. He even pointed to the zoo and said "MONKEY!" when we drove by on the way to work and school Monday! I am sure we will be back several times over the next year. I'm already getting excited to for Boo at the Zoo and Holiday Lights (which we went to last year and saw Santa with Tate!).