Nicholas continues to be a BIG boy at 16 pounds, 2 ounces, and 27 inches!!! He has grown almost two inches in six weeks! No wonder we've had to move up to six month pants (even some 9!!!) and move his car seat straps up a notch. He played with him and watched him sit up. He thought he had met all of his developmental milestones. We elected to continue using pregestimil because he has done so well on it. He will see him again at eight and a half and eleven and a half months. At 11.5 months he will have his milk challenge. I am nervous about that already, but hopefully it will go well and he will be able to have cake and ice cream at his birthday party at the end of June!!!!
I just had to show you his super cute outfit of the day from yesterday. I have a major weakness for reindeer and this sleeper jumped out at me and we HAD to have it!
And his little hiney...
LOVE that little reindeer suit!It is another COLD, icy night in Chattanooga. I went to a hair appt after work and Nicholas went to my parents and by the time we started him the roads were icy and it was hard to see because the windshield kept icing up! I saw a car slide across the bridge by our house and they closed the interstate overpass on our exit because it was a solid sheet of ice. CRAZY! It is supposed to warm up during the night, but possibly not above freezing. I am hoping we are able to work tomorrow because our office Christmas party is tomorrow night! Mommy and Daddy are looking forward to dressing up and getting out!