Sorry for being MIA again, but we have been a little under the weather yet again. This time Nicholas' class at school passed a GI bug around and he had a rough Saturday not wanting to nap, diarrhea, and excessive spit up. Then by 3:00 Monday afternoon I had bad nausea and a sharp pain in my abdomen. I left work a little early and come home and when I took my temperature, it was 100.7! That is SUPER high for me, my average temp is usually between 97.0-97.5! I don't think I have ever felt like I did last night, including when I was constantly sick and pregnant! I took some tylenol and went to sleep for about eleven hours. I still felt a little queasy and my abdomen was very sore, but no fever. I took some zofran and went on to work. By mid afternoon today I was feeling almost normal, but completely exhausted. I am just really weak and sore. My boss told me to get some pepcid and take it for a week and see how I do. I've had this feeling before and he thinks it could be an ulcer, especially since pepcid or nexium always seem to help.
I'm hoping to get a new post up soon, but here is a picture I took one morning before school. Enjoy! :-)