Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wreath Instructions

I bought the largest styrofoam circle that Hobby Lobby had, about 150 ornaments of all different sizes (it is rather expensive, which is why I decided to start salvaging as many as possible from last years broken wreath last night! Ha!), and a LOT of glue for the hot glue gun. I also bought a wooden letter from Hobby Lobby as well.

I started just gluing the largest ornaments I had on the wreath in any order (I am severely OCD, so I do red, green, red, green, you get the idea). I also place my letter on to get an idea of where it will go so I don't glue any balls on where it will be placed. Once they are on there you don't want to have to move them!
At this point just start gluing all different size and color ornaments until it is full and can hang on the wall without showing any of the green styrofoam. You will end up with about 3 layers of ornaments and they will also cover the sides. It will take a while to get it finished, so have patience! :-)
(BTW, this is last year's wreath! Sorry girls, but I still haven't got around to making this years)


Todd and Courtney said...

yay you finished it! Thanks for helping me with mine :)

Lauren said...

You could sell the crap out of those!!

Anonymous said...

Very cute! Lauren's right... you could definitely make money on those!!

Beth said...

I like it! I'm not a very patient person so I'm not sure if I could make one of my own ;)

Lauren said...

It looks AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Angela said...

Looks great!!!
Did you see my sad wreath? LOL
I posted pics on FB in my "Christmas 2009" album. :)

MomMom said...

If you have a minute, please check out the wreath our granddaughters made after I showed them your wreath. They had so much fun and we love the wreath. Thanks for sharing your wreath with instructions. I'm always looking for new craft ideas for them to do when they visit us.

Love with a Latte said...

I bought the stuff Monday and I started working on the 2 that I plan to hang on our office doors tonight. I have partially finished one...I ran out of balls! I think next time, I'll just buy the one that I saw a TJ Maxx for $30. I took my mom's advice instead the ole, "you can make it for less than that" approach! I guess Mom's can be wrong too sometimes!!! Ha! Miss you!