The local radio station was there, Mix 104.1 and guess who had their first radio spot?! Michael held Nicholas while talking on the radio. It was fun to hear him talk about Nicholas while on the radio! Here they are with the radio guys that were there.
Nicholas also got to see where Daddy spends 70 hours of his week. One day maybe he can have an office of his own too!
On the way home I had to stop by my parents and while I was there I left Nicholas and made a quick trip to the grocery store. When I was backing out of the parking spot the lady behind me was too. I stopped and blew my horn, but she didn't hear me and there was nothing I could do but get hit. The poor mommy mobile got it's first big dent today. Guess I'll have to part with it for a few days soon to get the bumper replaced. Good thing is that Nicholas wasn't with me and I am ok.
It is such a beautiful Fall weekend. We had a high of 76 today and tomorrow is going to be 65 and sunny! We are thinking of taking Nicholas to a pumpkin patch about two hours away tomorrow. I'm excited about it and hope we have a good morning so we can. Be sure to scroll on down to see his THREE month post! I can't believe he is that old. :-(