Saturday night we got our orange on and went over to Mark and Anne's house (our neighbors) for football and an awesome dinner. Look who was happy the first half when his team was playing well!
Sunday was another very busy day. We got up around 8 to go have our picture made by Melissa. She was doing a mini session and we signed up for the 10:00 spot. It was at a park in East Brainerd and from the two pictures I've seen already, I CANNOT wait to get my proofs later this week! They are so good! I'll share our sneak peek with you.
We are doing another session in about two months at Courtney's house on the bluff for our Fall/Christmas pictures. I am so excited about those because I know Nicholas will be so cute as he gets older in pictures.
After our pictures we went to Maryville (about two hours away) to see Michael's parents for Grandparents Day. They just bought a home from the 1930s and are currently renovating it. It is so cool to see all the awesome work they've done and see how much it has already changed. I love it because it has so much character and can't wait to see it all finished! We had a good afternoon and another fabulous day with Nicholas!
Nicholas is starting to be on even more of a schedule and it is making it a lot easier. He is waking up every morning right at 5:00, going back to sleep after a bottle then waking up around 8am and going to sleep on his own in his bed right at 8pm! Now, if I could just master at least two naps in his bed during the day or sleep through his 5:00 feeding and wake up earlier, this would be one happy mommy!