Thursday, August 19, 2010

Lazy Tuesday and Wednesday

We had a very lazy Tuesday.  We woke up to heavy rain and temperatures in the low 70s that lasted until about 2:00.  Nicholas stayed in his pjs all day and I stayed in mine until close to 4:00! Ha!  He slept most of the morning and a couple of hours in the afternoon while I picked up and made dinner (we had roast in the crock pot).

Now that he is feeling better, we've had some playtime when he was awake.  Please watch the video in the previous post to see our little monkey roll over during tummy time!  So cute!  He also played with his gym and his new superseat.  Thanks Jenna and Brayden for recommending it to us!  He LOVED sitting in it and looking around!

Monday-Wednesday, Michael was in school to learn all about the finance end of car sales to be able to fill in for the finance manager when he is out.  Tuesday after dinner I took Nicholas to my parents so that he could have some peace and quiet to study.  He had his first bath on a vanity and loved looking in the mirror while we bathed him.  Just wished I had brought my camera.

Yesterday we went to the pool for the first time and had a playdate Sarah and Addi.  We had fun.  Nicholas slept the entire time in his bouncy under the shade.  I don't think he realized that you are supposed to be awake for a date with a cute girl!  He seemed to enjoy being outside.  Hopefully we can go back with Daddy soon and get in the water (we do have a swimsuit for that occasion! thanks Jamie!)

Since we have been on the alimentum he has had runny stools up to three or four times a day.  They are not really solid, but not watery either.  Needless to say we've had our fairshare of blowouts.  Usually when he wakes up from his morning nap.  We have been wearing Pampers, but tried Huggies, still blewout.  Any suggestions?  If he wasn't doing so much better I would think that the alimentum was too much for him.  I'm waiting on the pedi to call back, maybe we can back down to soy again.  Also, he is doing so good this week and is actually getting on a pretty good schedule!  However, he eats between 6-8 oz around 8pm then goes to bed until 3 or 4 before sleeping again until 7-8.  Any suggestions on how he could go a little longer or is that just too much to ask this early?  I have no idea!