Thursday, August 26, 2010

Eight Weeks Old

"WHAT?! I'm already eight weeks old?!"  Yes you are!  Mommy and Daddy cannot believe that you are almost two months old.  It seems like yesterday we were in the hospital with you!  You have grown up so much in the past couple of weeks.  You are 12 pounds and 6 ounces and 23 1/4 inches!!!! Mommy looked like you do in your picture when we saw that on the scale Tuesday at Dr. Devoid's office! :-)

You sleep either *almost* all night or all night long, which we are so proud of!  For example Tuesday night you slept from 9:30-6:45, then last night you slept from 9:30-5:30.  You are working on getting used to your new feeding routine.  The past two days have been rough, but I THINK we are making progress.  The biggest issue right now is how to keep you from spitting it all back up???  (any suggestions anyone? we are already using 1 tsp of cereal per oz.)

You are a happy baby almost all the time now, but still have your fussy period anywhere from 4:00-9:00 in the evening.  You are starting to enjoy playing with your toys.  Today you played in your jumperoo for about 10 minutes and seemed to like it!

You have gotten so good about waking up in your bed.  The first three weeks you were in there you cried as soon as you woke up, now we are hearing you "talk" for awhile before you start to cry.  Tonight  Mommy went to Target and bought a video monitor so we can now for sure if you are ready to get up when we hear you.  Also, it will be fun to watch you! :-)

I just realized I forgot to put a picture of his birth announcement up.  This is a bad picture, but you get the idea.  Anita at did an awesome job, as always!!!!!!!  I REALLY need a scanner!!!!

Next Wednesday you will be two months old!  We can't wait to celebrate with a cake! :-)