Sunday, May 23, 2010

32 Weeks/8 or LESS To Go!

How big is Baby? 17.5 inches, 4 pounds. Size of a jicama.
Total weight gain/loss: 22 pounds.
Maternity clothes? All I wear.
Stretch marks? Not yet
Sleep: No longer in my vocabulary, getting harder and harder at night! I'm pretty sure I could take a nap in the mid afternoon though.
Best moment this week: Family and friends celebrating Nicholas at two showers. We are so blessed!
Movement: LOVING it! He is VERY active! He has taken up residence in my ribs and now he is ALWAYS up there! He also loves try to stretch out which is fine except it is right in my ribs.
Food cravings: Mexican food (not good for the old reflux!), fruit, veggies, and red meat.
Gender: It's A BOY!!!!!! Nicholas Allen Ledford.
Labor Signs: not really, thank goodness!
Belly Button in or out? That's another thing. I can tell it is starting to move towards the outside. My laparoscopic scar at the base of my belly button that has always been on the inside is now on the outside (you can see it on my abdomen, not just inside my belly button anymore)! AH! It's getting smaller and flatter. However, it is basically still an innie.
What I am looking forward to: In two weeks we get an ultrasound and we will get to see him again!!!!!!
Milestones: Making it to 32 weeks!
I also went to my 32 week appt on Monday and everything is still looking great. However, due to my bone structure, spina bifida, and clotting disorder, it looks like I may be scheduled for a c-section on my due date. We will discuss that further when I go back on June 3.