So, I was looking back over my blog and I realized that I am a bad pregnant girl and NEVER posted our big US pics from oh, say 10 weeks ago! Oops!
I LOVE this one! He just looks so cute and sweet.
Now, for the nightmares part (yes they are related, so hold on for the correlation). For the past two weeks or so I have begun to super stress that maybe he really isn't a boy. You always hear about the one or two babies that are supposed to be a girl that really are a boy or the other way around. Now that we are three weeks away from showers and all of his bedding and decor is ordered, I am panicking about it. Stupid, I know, but I think it is just part of my OCD, planner personality. Ha! So, here is the big shot, any chance he could be a girl? I doubt it.
That is why I went back looking for these pics and when I couldn't find them I realized I never put them on here. Bad mom, shame on me! Anyway, when I did look at it, I felt better and a little more relaxed, but still a little nervous. So, what do you think?
We have also finished up his nursery except for bedding and wall decor. Here are the latest pics. I am anxious to get the bedding on his bed! It will come together so well then!
From the hallway looking in:
We had a little scare today, but doing fine now. Just resting and taking it easy tonight. My doctor wasn't worried, so I am just going to enjoy my night of leisure. Ha!
yes he is ALL BOY!! reminds me of Landons ultrasounds. He was always hanging out!! haha ;o). Love the brown with white furniture. We have a white crib. I am going to use the brown and white the next time around. Landons room is green and white.
I don't think there's any reason for you to be concerned about whether or not he's a boy. He's a very proud little boy and I love his nursery!!
Beautiful nursery! I bet you can't wait to bring him home to sleep in there! With my first daughter I had about 10 ultrasounds due to some complications and still I was a nervous wreck that she would come out a he. That was actually the very first question I asked as they pulled her out!! "Is she really a girl?"
The room looks AMAZING!!!!! I can't wait to see the finished product.
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