Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Tan Line 911!

I have my 10 year high school reunion this weekend and I just realized this morning that my tan lines are going to show BAD with my strapless dress!!!! HELP! Any ideas how to get rid of it (other than the tanning bed, I quit that habit over 2 yrs ago!)????

Please help me out!


Lianna Knight said...

I have the BEST stuff!!! I bought it for our wedding and it worked like a CHARM!! You couldn't see my strap lines at all! It's Elizabeth Arden Sheer Body Bronzer. You've GOT to get it :)

Mel said...

short sleeve sweater?
pashmina wrap type thing?
if it is too warm, then just go with it.Tan lines be darned. You'll look fine.

Lynette said...

spray tan!

Anna said...

uh oh.....I'd say start with some kind of self tanner (like today) so that if it turns out looking bad it will have time to wear off.

Jennifer said...

Get spray tanned! You will love the way it looks and may get addicted to it! :)

Estep Family said...

I second the bronzer idea - I used it when I was in a summer wedding a few years back. Worked great!