Thursday, August 27, 2009

I'm in Love!

I've been hating my Blackberry Pearl for a while now (it has to be reset at least 3 times a day) and I really thought I'd like the full keyboard. So anyway, my neighbor Andrea told me she had a pink curve if I wanted to buy it from her. Last night I went over to see her baby nephew and came home with a new phone! Ha! Needless to say, I'M IN LOVE! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!!!!


Lauren said...

Oh, girl.... I LOVE LOVE LOVE my blackberry :)

Sarah said...

i love my blackberry curve! I think you're really going to like it... it's almost addicting!! :)

Anonymous said...

New phones are so much fun! Now I want a Blackberry!

Brooke said...

I hate my Pearl too and really want a curve!!! Post on how you like it. I may have to get one.