Last week was a week that I hope to forget and not live again anytime soon. It started at 3:15 last Monday morning when I woke up with a kidney stone. I ended up in the ER by 8:45 and luckily passed it without any drugs almost as soon as I got there. Since I had not had any drugs or any meds, I decided to just walk over to work. Due to a policy you have to work the day before and after a holiday to be paid for the holiday, so since this was an unplanned absence, I had to work. As if that was fun enough, my boss got admitted to the hospital and almost died that afternoon. It was a very emotional, exhausting week to say the least. I had already planned to take off on Friday and I am very glad I did. I needed a day off. Too bad I left my phone charger in my office in Thursday and had to go in Friday to pick it up. While I was there I ended up having to reschedule our patients for Monday and surgeries for next week. Nicholas was a great little helper! :-) Friday night was e-KIDS Christmas program. One of my favorite things about Nicholas' school is the Fall Festival and Christmas program. I love that even the babies are able to get participate! He looked so grown up and handsome in his little outfit. **tear**

His class were the Wizards of Winter and played their guitars. They were adorable say the least!
Here he is on the screen. He was a little overwhelmed at the audience! Haha!
Yesterday I finished up my shopping with the exception of making calendars for our parents and grandparents. We also saw Santa...more on that another time. Nicholas has been in teething hell for the past week. I noticed Friday night that he is getting several of his teeth, including 2 molars, at once. Bless him! :-( Last night Nicholas stayed with Ms. Carla, our favorite teacher from school, and we had a much overdue date night. It was great to have a night out alone for a change. Definitely much needed after last week.
Today I spent about 2 hours preparing meals for the next 2 weeks. More on that tomorrow, but I made 2 chicken spaghettis, 2 taco soup, hamburger steaks, and a roast.
Tonight my mom and I took Nicholas to Caroling With The Fish at the TN Aquarium. It was a lot of fun and he loved the fish. He would point and scream FISH! Haha!
I'm hoping to do meal planning Monday tomorrow, but I need to do a detailed freezer meal post, so it may be later in the week. It will just depend on my day tomorrow. Continue to keep Dr. Smith in your prayers. He is still pretty sick and in the hospital. We are hoping he can go home by Wednesday and back to work by next week, but not sure.